The US Government has turned the Internet into something it was never
intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. By
tapping Internet cables, undermining security standards, and getting our
data from companies in secret, the National Security Agency has built the
largest surveillance apparatus in history and is collecting information on
most Internet users.
Ad agencies mine info on our individual vulnerabilities to coerce
consumer and political decisions, without our knowledge. Companies
leak out our financial information, violate their own privacy agreements
and still are offered immunity for sharing our customer data with the NSA.
The government and police use counterterrorism resources to spy on our
peaceful political protests. People get longer jail time depending on
the zip code they live in, even for the same offense. And just imagine
what else is happening without our knowledge.
The Internet is integrated into every part of our lives—what we allow to
happen with our data will shape the future of our society. We're now on
the brink of making big decisions about the kinds of power governments and
monopolies have to use this data against our own interests. And, they're
moving fast—the US, Britain, France, Singapore, Iran, China, and more,
are all moving to pass expansive surveillance laws and sweetening deals
for cooperating tech companies (like with full corporate immunity from
our laws). We have to draw the line in the sand now.